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We are very close to launching our own #1300BillingaaS software which will be telco independent. Not only Telco independent but work with multiple countries Telco or SIP Providers. Our own team of hardcore programmers building it.

The system will be fully integrated with Telco to change the landing points or answering points on the fly. It will also be integrated with the payment gateways.

A flat rate for all inbound calls to your toll free numbers in addition to bundled with the SIP trunks if you are an existing #ucaas or #sipaas client of BG Unified Solutions. A huge savings on your toll free number expenses!!!! And We really mean that.

The system pulls live CDR from the Telco and presents all calling costs on the go to you. The system is built with credit alerts if the overall calling costs above threshold and also built with Anti Fraud System. The portal is protected by multiple layers of firewalls along with a dedicated F5 Web Application Firewall. Each of the VM is having a minimum of 16vCPU’s, 64GB RAM and ALLFLASH Storage.

Don’t wait. If your toll free inbound call charges are huge, We bet to reduce them by 1/3rd at least.

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