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Workstation As A Service

Workstation As A Service

Digitalize your Workspace

Workstation for your Business

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is when we serve virtual desktops through on-site technology solutions. IT administrators maintain a hardware stack and are usually located on-site. This is mainly the traditional approach to how virtual desktops are deployed. This allows IT resources to be reallocated for managing virtual desktops, clients, and applications.


  • Include 2vCPU
  • Includes 4 GB RAM
  • Include 80 GB Storage


  • Include 4vCPU
  • Includes 6 GB RAM
  • Include 80 GB Storage


  • Include 6vCPU
  • Includes 8 GB RAM
  • Include 80 GB Storage

BG Unified Solution’s Workstations

This is an ideal solution for highly sensitive computing environments with full control over hardware, software, and data. This greater degree of control also lends itself well to customization.



Pay per Use

Platform Independent



Easy Deployment

By BG Unified Solutions’ Workstation As A Service, we give an organization the freedom to deploy virtual desktops from its own on-premises data centers. In-house IT teams are responsible for deploying virtual desktops and purchasing, managing, and upgrading the infrastructure.

Flexible migration to the cloud for Remote Desktop Services

Optimize your experience with affordable costs for your server desktop and apps. Get all the resources, tools, and infrastructure; you need to migrate your apps.

Estimate end-user experience quality

Estimator used to experience or predict your end-user experience’s quality by the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Service provided by you. Determine your bandwidth requirement and constant health checker.

Virtualize both Desktops and Apps

According to your requirements, flexibility and adaptability are needed to get your desktop infrastructure virtualized or virtualization of applications.

Get Started Now

An ideal workstation solution for highly sensitive computing environments.

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